Holding fast the faithful Word

Hamilton Bible Church exists to glorify God, love God and others, and make disciple-making disciples of Jesus Christ, through evangelism, discipleship and leadership development.  Hamilton Bible Church is a Bible-believing church located in Hamilton East.

What's On Sunday?

Morning service 10:30 am

Morning tea and fellowship after the service

Children’s Church unavailable until further notice

Crèche available

Second Sunday of each month | Communion

Third Sunday of each month | donations to the food bank

Last Sunday of each month | shared lunch after morning service

Other Programmes

7:00-8:00PM Wednesday | Prayer Meeting | Meets on Zoom; contact for link

10:00-10:30AM Friday | Ladies' Meeting | on Zoom; contact for link

Please contact the church for information about children's, youth, and young adult meetings.

Biblical training classes - contact for more information on courses available

Weekly Notices

If you missed picking one up on Sunday, don't worry. Uploaded weekly, the notices are available so you can check up on who the missionary of the week is, where our weekly programmes will be held and any other notices you don't want to forget.

8 - 14 April 2024

Prayer Requests:

Missionary of the week - Gideons

Katheryn & Selwyn - strength and wisdom

Katheryn’s mum - hip replacement soon

Kama, Mina - well in body and spirit; ministry opportunities

Andrew and Margaret - peace in their present circumstances

George - progress and adjustments to effects of injury; flexible job

Janine - wisdom, strength; mother's health

John & Rosemaree - comfort and strength in all things


14 April Morning Service:


Wednesday prayer meeting - 7:00 pm | Zoom 

Ladies' Zoom Fellowship -  Friday | 10 am 

Bible study - Monday  | 6:15 pm 

12 April - Ladies Afternoon Tea | 2:00 pm



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