Our Core Values
- Being Christ Focused and Bible Centred
- Being Friendly People Seeking to Worship and Serve the Lord Jesus Christ together
- Expositional / Contextual Teaching
- Making Disciples of Jesus Christ Through Evangelism, Discipleship and Leadership Development
- Singing Biblically Sound Hymns and Songs
- Being Self-Governed Through a Plurality of Leadership
- Being Family Oriented and Multi-Cultural
Mission Statement
Hamilton Bible Church seeks to support missionaries and organisations that give us an influence across the areas of evangelism, discipleship and leadership development throughout Hamilton, New Zealand, the South Pacific and worldwide.
Missionaries We Support
Daniel and Carol Dortch | Word of Life Ministries
Prayer Support:
Hope and Help International
Carl and Kathy Most | Cuba
Tom and Liz McIvor | Word of Life Ministries
John and Bev Campbell | Turangi
David and Mindy Nelson | Crossing Cultures International
Sai and Serima Tuiraki | Fiji
Josephine Rakabikabi | Fiji
Bill and Deborah Lake | Biblical Ministries Worldwide